05/08/2020Jakarta, 5 August 2020
Having completed 100% realization of Rp 17.5 billion commitment of donation for handling COVID-19 to various parties in Java, Sumatra, Sulawesi and Bali, Tempo Scan Group (Tempo Scan) has given another donation in the forms of Personal Protective Equipment (APD), medicines, vitamins, and children milk for the acceleration of COVID-19 management in Kalimantan.
Handojo S. Muljadi as the President Commissioner of Tempo Scan handed the donation to the Regional Police of Kalimantan Selatan (Polda Kalsel) received directly by Irjen Pol. Dr. Nico Afinta, S.I.K, SH, MH, as the Chief of Kalsel Regional Police. In a separate place, Handojo also handed the donation to the Regional Police of Kalimantan Barat (Polda Kalbar) received directly by Irjen. Pol. Drs. Imam Sugianto, M.Si. as the Deputy Chief of Kalbar Regional Police.
The support given to Polda Kalbar and Polda Kalsel has added to Tempo Scan’s total donation for COVID-19 relief that has been distributed to medical workers, BNPB (National Agency for Disaster Management), Hospitals, PMI (Indonesian Red Cross), as well as other social institutions and volunteers to become Rp 18.2 billion.
As a national private group of companies, Tempo Scan supports the Government’s efforts to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic occurred in many regions of Indonesia. The donation is a manisfestation of Tempo Scan’s spirit of Working Wholeheartedly for Indonesia, especially in building national solidarity and rising up against COVID-19.
The spirit is based on Tempo Scan’s core values, among others Usefulness and Responsibility which have always been the guidelines for Tempo Scan’s giving contribution to the country. Tempo Scan hopes that this effort may help Indonesia rise up against COVID-19, hence the people and the nation can recover soon.